Fractions and Decimals
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2 and the denominator is increased by 1, the fraction because 5/8 and if the numerator of the same fraction is increased by 3 and the denominator is incr
Let the fraction be N.Then, N / (13/14) - (13/14) x N = 3/65⇒ 14N/13 - 13N/14 = 3/65⇒ (196N - 169N)/182 = 3/65⇒ 27N/182 = 3/65∴ N = (3 x 182) / (27 x 65) = 14/45So, correct answer will be (13/14) x (14/45) = 13/45
Given expression = (11.98)² + (0.02)² + 11.98 x x.For the given expression to be a perfect square, we must have11.98 x x = 2 x 11.98 x 0.02 or x = 0.04