RCC Structures Design If the modular ratio is ‘m’, steel ratio is ‘r’ and overall depth of a beam is ‘d’, the depth of the critical neutral axis of the beam, is [m/(m - r)] d [(m + r)/m] d [m/(m + r)] d [(r - m)/m] d [m/(m - r)] d [(m + r)/m] d [m/(m + r)] d [(r - m)/m] d ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design In testing a pile by load test, pile platform is loaded with one and half times the design load and a maximum settlement is noted. The load is gradually removed and the consequent rebound is measured. For a safe pile, the net settlement (i.e. total settlement minus rebound) per tonne of test load should not exceed 20 mm 10 mm 15 mm 25 mm 20 mm 10 mm 15 mm 25 mm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design Long and short spans of a two way slab are ly and lx and load on the slab acting on strips parallel to lx and ly be wx and wy respectively. According to Rankine Grashoff theory (wx/wy) = (ly/lx) None of these (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)² (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)⁴ (wx/wy) = (ly/lx) None of these (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)² (wx/wy) = (ly/lx)⁴ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If permissible working stresses in steel and concrete are respectively 1400 kg/cm² and 80 kg/cm² and modular ratio is 18, in a beam reinforced in tension side and of width 30 cm and having effective depth 46 cm, the lever arms of the section, is 37 cm 39 cm 38 cm 40 cm 37 cm 39 cm 38 cm 40 cm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design An R.C.C. column is treated as long if its slenderness ratio is greater than 30 50 35 40 30 50 35 40 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If d is the diameter of a bar, ft is allowable tensile stress and fb, is allowable bond stress, the bond length is given by (π/4). (ft .d3/fb) (π/4). (ft .d/fb) π ft .d²/fb ft .d/4fb (π/4). (ft .d3/fb) (π/4). (ft .d/fb) π ft .d²/fb ft .d/4fb ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP