Power Systems If sparsity of a 5 bus transmission line is 0.4. Find the number of transmission lines? 6 3 5 4 6 3 5 4 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Systems A sodium graphite reactors use a mixture of sodium and graphite as coolant. a mixture of sodium and graphite as moderator. sodium as moderator and graphite as coolant. sodium as coolant and graphite as moderator. a mixture of sodium and graphite as coolant. a mixture of sodium and graphite as moderator. sodium as moderator and graphite as coolant. sodium as coolant and graphite as moderator. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Systems If a 500 MVA, 11 kV 3-phase generator at 50 Hz feeds through a transfer impedance of (0+j0.605) Ω/phase, an infinite voltage also at 11 kV, then the maximum steady state power transfer on the base of 500 MVA and 11 kV is 1 pu 0.8 pu 0.4 pu 0.5 pu 1 pu 0.8 pu 0.4 pu 0.5 pu ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Systems What should be the minimum depth (in metre)of cable trench to dug for laying of 1.1 kV? 1.20. 0.90. 1.05. 0.75. 1.20. 0.90. 1.05. 0.75. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Systems The positive, negative and zero sequence per unit impedance of two generators connected in parallel are X1 = 0.12 pu, X2 = 0.096 pu and X0 = 0.036 pu. For LG fault at generator terminals (with 1 pu voltage) the positive sequence current will be 8.936 pu 10.936 pu 7.936 pu 9.936 pu 8.936 pu 10.936 pu 7.936 pu 9.936 pu ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Power Systems A power station supplies the peak load of 50 MW, 40 MW and 70 MW to three localities. The annual load factor is 0.50 p.u. and the diversity factor of the load at the station is 1.55 the maximum demand on the station and average load respectively will be 52 MW. 53 MW. 57.5 MW. 51.61 MW. 52 MW. 53 MW. 57.5 MW. 51.61 MW. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP