Mechanical Operations
During agitation of liquids, the

Froude number is used to account for the effect of surface (e.g., the centre vortex) on the power number
Froude number is independent for the curves between power number and Reynolds number in baffled system
All of these
Power number becomes independent of impellers Reynolds number at high Reynolds number, but is dependent on the geometry of the impeller


Mechanical Operations
Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the turbine agitator.

Pitched blade turbine agitator gives only radial flow with complete absence of the axial flow
Recommended peripheral speed for the turbine agitator is 200-250 metres/minute
Turbine agitator should be located at a height not less than one agitator diameter length from the bottom. If the depth of liquid in the tank is more than twice the agitator diameter, two agitators sh
Generally, the diameter of the agitator is kept between l/3rd to l/6th of the tank diameter while the blade length is l/4th of agitator diameter (with central disc, it is l/8th of the agitator diamete