Digital Electronics Switching circuits are digital circuits analog circuits none of these hybrid circuits digital circuits analog circuits none of these hybrid circuits ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The devices commonly used for making digital circuits are contact switches mechanical switches relays semiconductor devices contact switches mechanical switches relays semiconductor devices ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The voltages corresponding to LOW and HIGH levels respectively are given below. Identify the voltages which correspond to positive logic system. –1.5 V and – 5 V 0 V and 5 V 1 V and -5 V 5 V and 0 V –1.5 V and – 5 V 0 V and 5 V 1 V and -5 V 5 V and 0 V ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The voltages corresponding to LOW and HIGH levels respectively are given below. Identify the voltages which correspond to negative logic system. 0 V and 5 V 5 V and 0 V –1.5 V and – 0.5 V 1 V and 5 V 0 V and 5 V 5 V and 0 V –1.5 V and – 0.5 V 1 V and 5 V ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The voltage levels for positive logic system must necessarily be negative must necessarily be 0 V and 5 V must necessarily be positive may be positive or negative must necessarily be negative must necessarily be 0 V and 5 V must necessarily be positive may be positive or negative ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP