Digital Electronics The voltage levels for positive logic system must necessarily be 0 V and 5 V may be positive or negative must necessarily be positive must necessarily be negative must necessarily be 0 V and 5 V may be positive or negative must necessarily be positive must necessarily be negative ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics Which one of the following is not a vectored interrupt? TRAP. INTR. RST 6.5. RST 7.5. TRAP. INTR. RST 6.5. RST 7.5. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics What is the minimum number of 2 input NAND gates used to perform the function of 2 input OR gate 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics Odd parity of a bit stream can be tested using ________ gate. NOR OR AND XOR NOR OR AND XOR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics Which of the following is equivalant to an ODD function XNOR XOR NOR AND-NOR XNOR XOR NOR AND-NOR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics When will be the output of a NOT gate is LOW ? None of these the input is LOW. the input is HIGH. the input is HIGH and LOW. None of these the input is LOW. the input is HIGH. the input is HIGH and LOW. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP