Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of decimal number 9910 to it's octal number equivalent is 1218 1438 1198 1248 None of these 1218 1438 1198 1248 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The 2's compliment of binary number 0.01011 is: 0.10101 1.10101 None of these 0.101 1.101 0.10101 1.10101 None of these 0.101 1.101 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The _____ gate has two or more input signals. All inputs must be high to get a high output AND NAND NOR None of these OR AND NAND NOR None of these OR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of an octal number 1428 to binary number is 11000112 None of these 1101102 11011012 11000102 11000112 None of these 1101102 11011012 11000102 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of hexadecimal number 93FA16 to it's binary number equivalent is 1100111111100110 None of these 10010011111110100 1.001001111111E+17 1111100001112 1100111111100110 None of these 10010011111110100 1.001001111111E+17 1111100001112 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP