Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of an octal number 1428 to binary number is 11000102 11000112 11011012 1101102 None of these 11000102 11000112 11011012 1101102 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of binary number 11000112 to an octal number is None of these 1438 1478 1408 1498 None of these 1438 1478 1408 1498 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Addition of 1101011012, 1110111012, 0001111112, 1001011012, 1111101112 is 10001010001012 10010000000102 10110101110102 None of these 11110110000102 10001010001012 10010000000102 10110101110102 None of these 11110110000102 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The highest decimal number that can be represented with 10 binary digits is 512 All of these 1023 1024 None of these 512 All of these 1023 1024 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics A microprocessor has memory locations from 0000 to 3FFF. Each memory location stores 1 byte. How bytes can the memory store? Express this in kilobytes? None of these 32,740, 32K 4,095, 4K 46,040, 46K 16,384, 16K None of these 32,740, 32K 4,095, 4K 46,040, 46K 16,384, 16K ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of an octal number 1258 to its decimal number is 8710 9010 9910 None of these 8510 8710 9010 9910 None of these 8510 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP