The Bagmati River is the principle river which originates at Baghdwar (Bagh-Tiger, Dwar-Door) just below the summit of Shivapuri hill which lies in the northern part of Kathmandu valley in central Nepal. The length of the Bagmati River is around 196 KM in India. The source of the Sutlej River is near Lake Rakshastal in Tibet. Ghaghara originates in glaciers of Mapchachungo on the Tibetan Plateau near Lake Mansarovar, cuts through the Himalayas in Nepal and joins the Sarda River at Brahmaghat in India.
India has the world’s largest cropped area. The cropping pattern of foodgrains in India is dominated by cereal crops. The average size of an Indian farm holding is too small (below 2 hectares) which covers almost 80% of all Indian farmers.
The Bhils are popular for their skills in archery. As per census 2011, the total population of Bhils is more than Six million. They are mainly found in Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka.