Ahmad Shah III was succeeded by Muhammad Shah III. He reigned for nearly 20 years. Through his extensive conquests he regained many lost territories, the most famous being his raid on Kanchipuram.
The Vijayanagar empire which was established in southern India in 1336 by two brothers Harihara I and Bukka Raya I had a well-organized administration. King has the absolute authority in legislative affairs during the Vijayanagar empire.
Madhav Rao defeated the Nizam of Hyderabad and also compelled Haidar Ali of Mysore to pay tribute. He reasserted control over northern India by defeating the Rohillas and also subjugated the Rajput state and Jat chiefs.
The land revenue system adopted by Akbar was largely based on Sher Shah’s system. However Akbar introduced slight modifications and his system was called Zabti or Bandobast system, which was further improved by Raja Todar Mal.