Industrial Engineering and Production Management A low unit cost can be obtained by following Functional layout Specialization of operation Automatic material handling equipment Product layout Functional layout Specialization of operation Automatic material handling equipment Product layout ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Industrial Engineering and Production Management Time study is carried out All of these By finding all the significant informations regarding the job, work place and machine tool etc By observing and recording the time taken by the operator for an operation By breaking up each operation into small elements which are measurable with the help of the measuring device accurately All of these By finding all the significant informations regarding the job, work place and machine tool etc By observing and recording the time taken by the operator for an operation By breaking up each operation into small elements which are measurable with the help of the measuring device accurately ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Industrial Engineering and Production Management The time required to complete a job is established and a bonus is paid to the worker based on the exact % of time saved. This type of incentive plan is known as Halsey Premium Plan Taylor Plan Dry work Plan Rowan Plan Halsey Premium Plan Taylor Plan Dry work Plan Rowan Plan ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Industrial Engineering and Production Management PERT is the Time oriented technique Activity oriented technique Event oriented technique Target oriented technique Time oriented technique Activity oriented technique Event oriented technique Target oriented technique ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Industrial Engineering and Production Management A dummy activity Is represented by a dotted line Does not require any time Is artificially introduced All of the these Is represented by a dotted line Does not require any time Is artificially introduced All of the these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Industrial Engineering and Production Management In product layout Machines can not be used to their maximum capacity Manufacturing cost rises with a fall in the volume of production Specialized and strict supervision is required All of these Machines can not be used to their maximum capacity Manufacturing cost rises with a fall in the volume of production Specialized and strict supervision is required All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP