Digital Computer Electronics A logic circuit which is used to change a BCD number into an equivalent decimal number is code converter multiplexer encoder decoder None of these code converter multiplexer encoder decoder None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Addition of 102 and 112 is 1102 None of these 1012 1002 1112 1102 None of these 1012 1002 1112 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The 2's compliment of binary number 0.01011 is: 1.10101 0.101 0.10101 1.101 None of these 1.10101 0.101 0.10101 1.101 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The ASCII code is a 7-bit code for All of these letters numbers None of these other symbols All of these letters numbers None of these other symbols ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics A half-adder is also known as: AND circuit NOR circuit NAND circuit EX-OR circuit None of these AND circuit NOR circuit NAND circuit EX-OR circuit None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of an octal number 1368 to hexadecimal number is 5A16 70000000000000000 5D16 50000000000000000 None of these 5A16 70000000000000000 5D16 50000000000000000 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP