Digital Computer Electronics Conversion of a hexadecimal number 6316 to binary number is None of these 1110112 11001112 11000112 11001112 None of these 1110112 11001112 11000112 11001112 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Which of the following is not functionally a complete set? NAND None of these AND, OR, NOT NOR AND, OR NAND None of these AND, OR, NOT NOR AND, OR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The 1's compliment of binary number 11010 is: 110 10 11101 101 None of these 110 10 11101 101 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics How many full and half-adders are required to add 16-bit numbers? 8 half-adders, 8 full-adders 1 half-adders, 15 full-adders 16 half-adders, no full-adders None of these 4 half-adders, 12 full-adders 8 half-adders, 8 full-adders 1 half-adders, 15 full-adders 16 half-adders, no full-adders None of these 4 half-adders, 12 full-adders ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The 7400 series, also called standard TTL, contains a variety of SSI and _____ chips that allow us to build all kinds of digital circuits and systems. MOS MOSFET None of these LSI MSI MOS MOSFET None of these LSI MSI ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics An OR gate has 6 inputs. What is the only input word that produces a 0 output? 111111 111000 111 None of these 111111 111000 111 None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP