Operating System (OS) You can set the width taskbar area and different components in it By right click and set width menu If other toolbars are not enabled If the taskbar is not yet locked If the applications are not opened By right click and set width menu If other toolbars are not enabled If the taskbar is not yet locked If the applications are not opened ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which of the following is not process states? New Ready Running Finished New Ready Running Finished ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) What is contained in the page table? File name and corresponding page number Base address of each frame and corresponding page number Memory address and corresponding page number None of Above File name and corresponding page number Base address of each frame and corresponding page number Memory address and corresponding page number None of Above ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) What is the name given to the software which can be legally compiled and often used for free? Firmware program None of these Mindware Shareware program Public domain program Firmware program None of these Mindware Shareware program Public domain program ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) In MS-DOS, relocatable object files and load modules have extensions .DAS and .EXE, respectively .EXE and .OBJ, respectively .OBJ and .COM or .EXE, respectively None of these .COM and .OBJ, respectively .DAS and .EXE, respectively .EXE and .OBJ, respectively .OBJ and .COM or .EXE, respectively None of these .COM and .OBJ, respectively ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Four necessary conditions for deadlock to exist are: mutual exclusion, no-preemption, circular wait and race around condition buffer overflow None of these deadlock avoidance hold and wait race around condition buffer overflow None of these deadlock avoidance hold and wait ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP