The panel, chaired by N K Sodhi, the former chief justice of the high courts of Karnataka and Kerala, makes its recommendations to Sebi on such applications after which the regulator allows concerned parties before passing an order.
India has been ranked at 51st position in terms of money parked by its citizens and enterprises with a Swiss bank in 2020, as per the data released by Swiss National Bank.
The Minority Affairs Ministry is set to launch an awareness campaign 'Jaan Hai To Jahaan Hai' in rural and remote areas to curb rumours against the Covid vaccination drive in the country.
The Union government has issued a gazette notification to set up the Karnataka Coastal Zone Management Authority. Under provisions of the Environment Act, 1986.
As per the World Investment Report 2021 by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, India was the fifth-largest recipient of FDI inflows in the world in 2020.