Netflix India, in collaboration with the Information & Broadcasting Ministry, has released a series of short video series under an initiative called 'Azadi Ki Amrit Kahaniya', highlighting the role of women achievers.
The Union Cabinet has approved USD 808 million (INR 6,062.45 crore) for a new scheme 'Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance' (RAMP). The new scheme assisted by the World Bank is expected to commence in the financial year of 2022-23.
The International Day of Drug Checking takes place on March 31 every year since 2017 to ensure people are educated on drugs and aware of their effects.
India Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), the apex body for India's pulses trade and industry, has appointed Bimal Kothari as the new Chairman with immediate effect.
Chandrapur district of Maharashtra records third hottest place in the world. According to the El Dorado weather website, Chandrapur has the fourth hottest city in the world.