The RBI has approved the appointment of former Comptroller and Auditor General Vinod Rai as the Independent Chairman of Unity Small Finance Bank Limited (Unity Bank).
Losoong/Namsung: This festival is normally observed in the first week of the 11th month of the Lunar Year. The Bhutias call it 'Losoong' and the Lepchas call it 'Namsung' which means a new year celebration. The festival marks the end of the harvest season and also marks the end of the farmers year.
The Central Government has constituted the Ken-Betwa Link Project Authority to implement the first initiative under the national river interlinking policy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of PGI Satellite Centre at Ferozepur, Punjab. The PGI Satellite Centre will be built at a cost of over Rs 490 crore.