The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi launched the 'Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA), the 'Transformation of Aspirational Districts' program, under the Ministry of Panchayati Raj.
The premier forum Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) held its maiden Maritime Exercise 2022 (IMEX-22) at Goa and in Arabian Sea from 26 â 30 Mar 22 which witnessed participation of 16 out of the 25 member nations of IONS which included Iran.
Indian Cricketer Virat Kohli was ranked as the most valued celebrity for the 5th consecutive time in 2021. The Celebrity Brand Valuation Report 2021 has told that the brand value of Virat Kohli fell to $ 185.7 million in the year 2021.
The India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has launched an initiative called Fincluvation, as a part of the occasion of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence.