Linux Who founded the Linux Kernel? Ben Thomas Bill Gates Richard Stallman None of these Linus Torvalds Ben Thomas Bill Gates Richard Stallman None of these Linus Torvalds ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to assign executable permission to all of the files named "report"? chmod ugo + x report None of the listed here chmod u + x report chmod ugo + rw report chmod ugo + x report None of the listed here chmod u + x report chmod ugo + rw report ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What service is not monitored by inetd ? finger ntalk time SSH finger ntalk time SSH ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What script is run for setting bash global defaults for all users? /etc/.profile /etc/.log /etc/profile /etc/.bashrc None of these /etc/.profile /etc/.log /etc/profile /etc/.bashrc None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux How can you add Amit, a new user, to your system? Using adduser None of these Using useradd Using linuxconf All of these Using adduser None of these Using useradd Using linuxconf All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What service is used to translate domain names to IP addresses? NIS NFS SMB DNS None of these NIS NFS SMB DNS None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP