Inventions Who came up with the idea for INSTANT MASHED POTATO? W. Raleigh E. Asselbergs S. Tuberosum K. Edwards W. Raleigh E. Asselbergs S. Tuberosum K. Edwards ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Inventions When was the first lawn mower invented? 1854 1830 1835 1849 1854 1830 1835 1849 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Inventions Ralph Samuelson was only 18 when he invented this sporting item in 1922. What was that? Water skis Golf tee Motorboat Hang glider Water skis Golf tee Motorboat Hang glider ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Inventions Where is the village of Branston, after which the famous pickle is named? Staffordshire Norfolk Yorkshire Lancashire Staffordshire Norfolk Yorkshire Lancashire ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Inventions When was Milk Tray first introduced? 1934 1942 1923 1915 1934 1942 1923 1915 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Inventions William Frederick is credited with the invention of the modern frisbee in the mid 1950's. In 1957 the Wham-O Company bought his idea and the rest is history. They named the toy after William Frisbie who was a ________? Pie maker Owner of a pizza parlor Ceramic plate designer Student at Yale Pie maker Owner of a pizza parlor Ceramic plate designer Student at Yale ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP