Disc Operating System (DOS) While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to move file from one directory to another? COPY None of these CP RENAME MOVE COPY None of these CP RENAME MOVE ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Filename extensions help identify certain files. What filename extension identifies command files? COM BAT EXE SYS COM BAT EXE SYS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Which command should be used to display all files within the specified subordinate directory of the subdirectory? Dir \ pathname\pathname Dir \pathname\filename Dir \ pathname Dir / ch Dir \ pathname\pathname Dir \pathname\filename Dir \ pathname Dir / ch ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) The vol command is used to See the volume of largest See the value of list See the disk volume label See the variety of language See the volume of largest See the value of list See the disk volume label See the variety of language ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) While working with MS-DOS, which command is used to compare the disk in drive A with the disk in drive B, specifying to compare only first side of each disk, and only the first 8 sectors of each track? DISKCOMP A: B:/8 DISKCOMP A: B:/l/8 DISKCOMP A: B:/l DISKCOPY A: B:/8 DISKCOMP A: B:/8 DISKCOMP A: B:/l/8 DISKCOMP A: B:/l DISKCOPY A: B:/8 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) While working with MS-DOS which command is used to copy all files with extension .txt into one file named all.txt? Copy *.txt a: Copy *.txt all.txt Copy a: *.txt Copy *.txt c: Copy *.txt a: Copy *.txt all.txt Copy a: *.txt Copy *.txt c: ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP