Computer Basic Information Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU? Output Memory CPU Input Storage Output Memory CPU Input Storage ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information What is meant by quad-density (QD) diskette? All of these None of these It has double the number of tracks per inch It is double density disk It is double-sided disk All of these None of these It has double the number of tracks per inch It is double density disk It is double-sided disk ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information The Santa Clara Valley, California is popularly known as Silicon Valley of America because None of these it is full of large grain sand huge deposits of silicon are found there Santa Claus visits it every Christmas many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there None of these it is full of large grain sand huge deposits of silicon are found there Santa Claus visits it every Christmas many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Arranging data in a specific order is called Classification None of these Sorting Merging Verification Classification None of these Sorting Merging Verification ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Data System management has long-term viability as a separate business function because It requires much technical knowledge None of these It requires large investments Specialists in data systems cannot be integrated into a marketing or manufacturing organization An integrated database accessible to all requires independent management It requires much technical knowledge None of these It requires large investments Specialists in data systems cannot be integrated into a marketing or manufacturing organization An integrated database accessible to all requires independent management ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which of the following processor is software that accepts user ideas, manipulates and reorganises them in user-specified ways and then produces a refined model of those thoughts. Distribute None of these On-line Out-line Multi Distribute None of these On-line Out-line Multi ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP