Unix Which symbol is used to separate more than one command in the same command line? ; $ # : ; $ # : ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which shell's wild-cards is used to match a single character? ? * [ijk] [!ijk] None of these ? * [ijk] [!ijk] None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to list all the files with extension .lst? ls lst* ls -l *.lst ls *.* ls *[lst] ls lst* ls -l *.lst ls *.* ls *[lst] ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix The File that contains a set of instructions which are performed when a user logs in, is .profile autoexec.bat .autoexec .exrc None of these .profile autoexec.bat .autoexec .exrc None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix The seventh field of /etc/password is home shell password None of these login home shell password None of these login ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction? ? ?? / // ? ?? / // ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP