Computer Basic Information Which one of the following is an example of Operating System? Microsoft Word Microsoft Access Microsoft Excel Microsoft Windows Microsoft Word Microsoft Access Microsoft Excel Microsoft Windows ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which of the following is a set of general purpose internal registers? None of these accumulator stack scratch pad status register None of these accumulator stack scratch pad status register ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information In which of the following terminals the screen is regarded as an array of pixels, where each pixel is either on or off? All of these RS-232 C terminal Bit map terminal None of these Character map terminal All of these RS-232 C terminal Bit map terminal None of these Character map terminal ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which memory is non volatile and may be written only once ? RAM EPROM PROM EEPROM RAM EPROM PROM EEPROM ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information In magnetic disks, data is organized on the platter in a concentric sets of rings called sector block head track None of these sector block head track None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Which is the latest version of MS Office? None of these Office 2010 Office 2007 Office XP Windows XP None of these Office 2010 Office 2007 Office XP Windows XP ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP