Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has launched a new mobile app 'PRAGATI' for the exclusive use of its Development Officers. PRAGATI stands for "Performance Review Application, Growth And Trend Indicator".
India's Pankaj Advani won the Asian Snooker Championship 2021 by defeating Amir Sarkhosh. He has won this title for a second consecutive time. He is the winner of the last Asian Snooker Championship held in 2019.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) will provide a 'stay visa' to all Afghanistan nationals who are staying in India due to the Taliban situation in the war-torn country.
The World Bank Group has decided to discontinue publication of its 'Doing Business" rankings of country business climates after a review of data irregularities in the 2018 and 2020 reports.
India's R Raja Rithvik became chess Grandmaster after he crossed the ELO Rating of 2500. The 17-year-old achieved this GM title in Vezerkepzo Grandmaster Chess Tournament at Budapest, Hungary.