Computer Networking
Bandlimited signal is

None of these
All of these
a signal all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency range
transmission of signals without modulation
simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations


Computer Networking
To configure the VLAN trunking protocol to communicate VLAN information between two switches, what two requirements must be met?1. Each end of the trunk link must be set to the IEEE 802.1e encapsulation.2. The VTP management domain name of both switches must be set the same.3. All ports on both the switches must be set as access ports.4. One of the two switches must be configured as a VTP server.5. A rollover cable is required to connect the two switches together.6. A router must be used to forward VTP traffic between VLANs.

1 and 6
3, 5 and 6
2 and 4
1, 2 and 4


Computer Networking
Error rate is

a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of all the binary digits.
an error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed on the bits to be checked.
the ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units
a code in which each expression conforms to specific rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an expression, the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and
None of these