Ancient History Art And Culture
Which of the following kings were defeated by King Dhruva?1) Nagabhatta II2) DharmapalaSelect the correct option from the codes given below:
During the reign of Dhruva (c. 780 – 793 CE), the Rashtrakuta kingdom expanded into an empire that encompassed all of the territory between the Kaveri River and Central India. He led successful expeditions to Kannauj and defeated the King Nagabhatta II. He also defeated the Palas of Bengal (Dharmapala).
The Ninth Rock Edict criticizes the use of various popular ceremonies like during the marriage of son or daughter, birth of a child, etc. On the contrary it lays stress on Dhamma and tells the usefulness of moral conduct in one’s life.
The famous Chola king Karikala of the Sangam age is credited with constructing a dam on the Kaveri river. It is considered to be the earliest dam in the country.
Sabha or Mahasabha during the Chola empie referred to the exclusive assembly of Brahmans/gatherings of the adult male members in the agraharas, that is, the rent free brahmadeya villages. These assemblies enjoyed a large measure of autonomy.