The All India Co-ordinated Research Project (AICRP) on poultry breeding, Mannuthy, under the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University (KVASU), bagged the national breed conservation award for 2021.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for hydroelectric projects worth Rs 11000 crore and the "Sawara-Kuddu Hydroelectric Project" in the state of Himachal Pradesh.
China has renamed 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh in its own language, claiming Arunachal Pradesh as South Tibet, an area that falls under its administrative control.
The PMLA Adjudicating Authority is a three-member body whose mandate is to adjudicate the cases of attachment of assets orders issued under the PMLA and order for its continuity and further confiscation or release, considering the merits of the investigation.