Unix Which of the following commands is used to identify the type of file by context? cat more ls file cat more ls file ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to concatenate all files beginning with the string 'emp' and followed by a non-numeric characters? cat emp[!0-9] cat emp[x-z] cat emp[a-z] more [emp][!0-9] cat emp[!0-9] cat emp[x-z] cat emp[a-z] more [emp][!0-9] ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix The Octal number to be given alogn with chmod command to make a file readable, writable and executable to the owner, readable and executable to group and others is: 744 755 555 744 755 555 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following keys is used to delete the character beneath the cursor? X None of these D dd x X None of these D dd x ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal? tee cat more None of these grep tee cat more None of these grep ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following commands is used to have a two-way communication with any person who is currently logged in? mail mesg grep write None of these mail mesg grep write None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP