5 December 2020 Current Affairs Which company ranked 1st in 2020 Fortune 500 Ranking list of Indian companies? Reliance Industries Indian Oil Corporation Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Tata Motors Reliance Industries Indian Oil Corporation Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Tata Motors ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
5 December 2020 Current Affairs India has invited which country's Prime Minister to be the Chief Guest at Republic Day 2021? China South Korea UK Japan China South Korea UK Japan ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
5 December 2020 Current Affairs Which state government has proposed to set-up its 6th Raimona National Park? Assam Madhya Pradesh Bihar Pachim Bangal Assam Madhya Pradesh Bihar Pachim Bangal ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
5 December 2020 Current Affairs After the launch of AMRUT scheme, which is the first Indian city to issue Municipal Bonds on BSE? Chandigarh Delhi Lucknow Hyderabad Chandigarh Delhi Lucknow Hyderabad ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
5 December 2020 Current Affairs What is the theme of 2020 International Sand Art Festival? Odissi Dance Environment' and 'COVID-19' Nature Walk Theatrics Odissi Dance Environment' and 'COVID-19' Nature Walk Theatrics ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
5 December 2020 Current Affairs The Inaugural Meeting of Counternarcotics Working Group was held between which countries? India - Bangladesh India - USA India - Russia India - China India - Bangladesh India - USA India - Russia India - China ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP