Unix Which command sends the word count of the file infile to the newfile. wc infile | newfile wc infile >newfile wc infile - newfile wc newfile wc infile | newfile wc infile >newfile wc infile - newfile wc newfile ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix The File that contains a set of instructions which are performed when a user logs in, is .exrc .autoexec .profile None of these autoexec.bat .exrc .autoexec .profile None of these autoexec.bat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2, or 3? chmod u+x emp[1-3] chmod 222 emp? chmod 777 emp* chmod u+r ??? emp chmod u+x emp[1-3] chmod 222 emp? chmod 777 emp* chmod u+r ??? emp ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix In Bourne shell, which file sets the Unix environment for the user when the logs into his HOME directory. .profile .mbox lastlogin None of these .exrc .profile .mbox lastlogin None of these .exrc ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to assign only read permission to all three categories of the file 'note'? chmod u+r,g+r,o-x note chmod go+r note chmod ugo=r note chmod a-rw None of these chmod u+r,g+r,o-x note chmod go+r note chmod ugo=r note chmod a-rw None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used with vi editor to save file and remain in the editing mode? q! :q :x :w None of these q! :q :x :w None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP