Disc Operating System (DOS) Which command displays comma for thousand separating on file size while listing? Dir/c Dir/w Dir/s Dir/b Dir/c Dir/w Dir/s Dir/b ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) While working with Ms-Dos which command transfers a specific file from one disk to another? Diskcopy Rename Copy Time Diskcopy Rename Copy Time ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Which command below will instruct DOS to do a "quick format". FORMAT A: /QUICK FORMAT A: /Q FORMAT A: /QU FORMAT A: /QF FORMAT A: /QUICK FORMAT A: /Q FORMAT A: /QU FORMAT A: /QF ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Which command is used to delete all the files extension .txt on the current drive and directory? Del *.*/p Del *.txt Del .txt Erase .txt Del *.*/p Del *.txt Del .txt Erase .txt ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Suppose you had an incurable computer virus and decided to wipe out all the data and partitions on your hard drive and reformat. What is the order in which you must delete the partitions? Logical, Extended, Primary Logical, Primary, Extended Extended, Logical, Primary None of these Primary, Extended, Logical Logical, Extended, Primary Logical, Primary, Extended Extended, Logical, Primary None of these Primary, Extended, Logical ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Disc Operating System (DOS) Which is valid extension that user creates on operating system? Com Exe Sys Bat Com Exe Sys Bat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP