HTML Basic Which colors consist of equal amounts of all basic colors ? Purple, Green and Blue White, Blue and Gray None of these White, Black and Gray Purple, Green and Blue White, Blue and Gray None of these White, Black and Gray ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
HTML Basic State true or false. Tomcat is an open source web server that provides a servlet container allowing you to run Java code. False True False True ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
HTML Basic Which of the following is not a correct (X)HTML rule? Unknown attributes are ignored by the browser Attributes should be quoted Tags should nest not tag Unused elements may be minimized Unknown attributes are ignored by the browser Attributes should be quoted Tags should nest not tag Unused elements may be minimized ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
HTML Basic Metadata store information about the web page that is not necessarily visible to end users. True False True False ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
HTML Basic Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely ? dot id class All of these dot id class All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
HTML Basic Which tag is used to insert images into your web page ? None of these im scr img None of these im scr img ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP