World Geography
Which among the following statements is/are correct about Pastoral Herding?It is an economic activity more advanced than food gathering and hunting.Labour to enhance and nurture the supply of animal products is the chief investment of the people engaged in this occupation.Select the correct code from the options given below:
Pastoral Herding is also known as nomadic herding and pastoral nomadism. This is an economic activity more advanced than food gathering and hunting because the people living by pastoral herding make at least some investment to enhance natural production. Labour to enhance and nurture the supply of animal products is the chief investment of the peopleengaged in this occupation.
China is the world’s largest producer of Aluminum smelter. Aluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from its oxide, alumina, generally by the Hall-Héroult process.
Etchplain is a plain where the bedrock has been subject to considerable subsurface weathering is called an Etchplain. The process of the formation of Etchplains is called Etchplantation.Flared slope is a rock-wall with a smooth transition into a concavity at the foot zone is called a Flared zone. They are found in a variety of climates. They are most common in granitic rocks.