Indian Geography
Which among the following statements about the Indian agriculture is/are correct?1. India has the largest cropped area in the world2. Cropping pattern is dominated by cereal crop3. The average size of an Indian farm holding is too small for several agricultural operationsChoose the correct option from the codes given below:
India has the world’s largest cropped area. The cropping pattern of foodgrains in India is dominated by cereal crops. The average size of an Indian farm holding is too small (below 2 hectares) which covers almost 80% of all Indian farmers.
The main reason for the earthquakes in India is the tectonic movement. The Indian plate is continuously hitting at Asia plate at a rate of approximately 47 mm/year (anticlockwise).
Amindivis are the northernmost islands of the Lakshdweep group, and Minicoy Island is the southernmost island. Almost all the inhabited islands are coral atolls.
Jamia Millia Islamia is a public central university in Delhi. It was established during British rule in 1920. It became a Central University by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1988.
The Country’s total geographical area under the wetlands is recorded highest in Gujarat as compared to other states. In India, the total geographical area of coastal wetlands is lesser than that of inland wetlands.