According to B. B. Lal, former DG of ASI, Kalibangan site shows that an earthquake occured around 2600 BC, which brought to an end the Early Indus settlement at the site. It is perhaps the earliest archaeologically recorded earthquake.
In Southern India, the ancient Indian writings were written in four Dravidian languages which developed their own script and literature, these are, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,Malayalam
Both A & B
Tamil is the oldest with literature dating back to early centuries of Christian era. This developed during the three Sangams(assemblies of poets and writers) held during different times
Earliest evidence of Banking in India is found from the period of Vedic Civilization. During those days, loan deeds called rnapatra (ऋणपत्र) or rnalekhya (ऋणलेख्य) were prevalent. Interest rates as well as usury (सूदखोरी) was prevalent in Vedic India. The Vedic word Kusidin refers to an usurer (सूदखोर).This term is also found in Manusmriti.
Fa Hien or Faxian who was a famous Chinese traveler, visited India during his reign of Chandragupta II. He came through land route and went back through sea route.