According to Alfred Wegener, all the major continents formed one giant supercontinent, called Pangaea. About 200 million years ago, the supercontinent Pangaea began to rift.
Banana is a native of south Asia and it was brought to the Western Hemisphere during the 16th century. Banana plant is an oversized herb belonging to the lily family. Although there are several varieties of banana, the most important one entering the trade is Musa sapientum.
Asteroids also called the inner solar system are minor planets which are neither categorised as a planet or a comet. They are in direct orbit around the Sun. They primarily remain on the circumstellar disk of gas around new stars and also the debris of the disk together. They are also known as planetoids and range in size from hundreds of miles to few feet. Most of them are irregular in shape. They are majorly present in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.