Analog Electronics When a reverse bias is applied to gate of JFET the depletion region width is uniform in the channel. is wider near the source and tapers near the drain. None of these is wider near the drain and tapers near source. is uniform in the channel. is wider near the source and tapers near the drain. None of these is wider near the drain and tapers near source. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The early effect in a bipolar junction transistor is caused by Fast turn-off Large collector-base reverse bias Large emitter-base forward bias Fast turn-on Fast turn-off Large collector-base reverse bias Large emitter-base forward bias Fast turn-on ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics A electric current ratio of IC / IE is usually less than one and is called θ. β. α. É. θ. β. α. É. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The majority carriers in the emitter of a PNP transistor are holes. pentavalent atoms. free electrons. trivalent atoms. holes. pentavalent atoms. free electrons. trivalent atoms. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The most commonly used transistor circuit arrangement is None of these common base. common collector. common emitter. None of these common base. common collector. common emitter. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Most of the electrons in the base of an NPN transistor do not recombine because they must flow through the base. flow out of the base. have a negative charge. have a long lifetime. must flow through the base. flow out of the base. have a negative charge. have a long lifetime. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP