PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$i = 0;while($i = 10) {print "hi";}print "hello"; error infinite loop hihello hello error infinite loop hihello hello ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$a = "a";if ($a)print "all";elseprint "some"; all some no output error all some no output error ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$x = 1;if ($x == 2)print "hi";else if($x = 2)print $x;elseprint "how are u"; 2 hi how are u error 2 hi how are u error ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$i = 0;while ($i++) {print $i;}print $i; infinite loop 1 0 01 infinite loop 1 0 01 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?switch($b) {case 2:print "hello";break;case b:print "hi";break;} error hi no output hello error hi no output hello ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Control Structures (Loop) What will be the output of the following PHP code ?for ($i++; $i == 1; $i = 2)print "In for loop ";print "After loop"; After for loop In for loop Infinite loop In for loopAfter for loop After for loop In for loop Infinite loop In for loopAfter for loop ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP