Linux What shell's wild-card is used to match a single character? * [ijk] ? [ijk] * [ijk] ? [ijk] ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux How many extended partitions can exist on one drive? None of these 4 16 2 1 None of these 4 16 2 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to halt a Linux system? Ctrl+Alt+Del init 0 Shutdown -g -y0 Shutdown -t Ctrl+Alt+Del init 0 Shutdown -g -y0 Shutdown -t ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Layer one of the OSI model is transport layer physical layer link layer None of these network layer transport layer physical layer link layer None of these network layer ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux How can you navigate around virtual consoles? None of these Ctrl+Function Key Alt+Function Key Ctrl+Alt+Del Alt+a+w+Function Key None of these Ctrl+Function Key Alt+Function Key Ctrl+Alt+Del Alt+a+w+Function Key ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux The command chmod 761 letter is equivalent to chmod 4=7, g = 6, o = 1 letter chmod a = 761 letter None of the listed here chmod u = rwx, g = rw, o = x letter chmod 4=7, g = 6, o = 1 letter chmod a = 761 letter None of the listed here chmod u = rwx, g = rw, o = x letter ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP