The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has launched the 'Aadhaar Face RD' app to enable Aadhaar cardholders to authenticate their unique 12-digit identity number using face.
SBI Cards and Payment Services announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Aditya Birla Finance (ABFL), the lending subsidiary of Aditya Birla Capital for the launch of 'Aditya Birla SBI Card'.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in the 'Udyami Bharat' programme in New Delhi to launch the 'Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance' (RAMP) scheme.
Hardly paid attention to for two decades, the Archaeological Survey of India has now taken up conservation work at this important Buddhist site near Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
PM Narendra Modi has addressed the NIIO (Naval Innovation and Indigenisation Organisation) Seminar 'Swavlamban at Dr. Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi.