Computer Basic Information What is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing of music? ELLIAC ENIAC UNIVAC All of these None of these ELLIAC ENIAC UNIVAC All of these None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Chip is a common nickname for a(n) ? Semiconductor Resistor Transistor Integrated cicuit Semiconductor Resistor Transistor Integrated cicuit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information What Does BIOS Stand For? Better Integrated Operating System None of these Backup Input Output System Battery Integrated Operating Setup Basic Input Output System Better Integrated Operating System None of these Backup Input Output System Battery Integrated Operating Setup Basic Input Output System ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Fifth generation computers are likely to exhibit heuristic behaviour advanced parallel processing None of these All of these artificial intelligence heuristic behaviour advanced parallel processing None of these All of these artificial intelligence ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information Software instructions intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called _____. Systems software Applications software A microcomputer All of these Documentation Systems software Applications software A microcomputer All of these Documentation ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Computer Basic Information A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is Scanner OMR None of these Keyboard Plotter Scanner OMR None of these Keyboard Plotter ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP