Digital Computer Electronics What is the main advantage of using MOSFET rather than bipolar transistor circuitary in ICs? much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy system designers are more familiar with MOS circuitary higher operating speed than bipolar circuits fewer power supply connections are required with MOS ICs None of these much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy system designers are more familiar with MOS circuitary higher operating speed than bipolar circuits fewer power supply connections are required with MOS ICs None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Resistor Ratio design is used in linear ICs because Ratios increase amplifier gain None of these All of these Precise resistor values are not possible with IC processes Ratios increase input resistance Ratios increase amplifier gain None of these All of these Precise resistor values are not possible with IC processes Ratios increase input resistance ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics In boolean algebra, the overbar stands for the NOT operation, the plus sign stands for the _____ operation. NAND AND OR NOR None of these NAND AND OR NOR None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics The term sum-of-products in boolean algebra means The AND function of several OR functions The AND function of several AND functions The OR function of several OR functions The OR function of several AND functions None of these The AND function of several OR functions The AND function of several AND functions The OR function of several OR functions The OR function of several AND functions None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Semiconductor memory is: somewhat larger than the magnetic core memory somewhat slower than magnetic core memory a volatile memory None of these All of these somewhat larger than the magnetic core memory somewhat slower than magnetic core memory a volatile memory None of these All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Computer Electronics Arithmetic operation are coded in Input/Outpur(I/0) Decision symbols Terminal symbols None of these Processing symbols Input/Outpur(I/0) Decision symbols Terminal symbols None of these Processing symbols ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP