Indian Politics What is the full form of the Indian Political Party "BSP"? Bharatiya Sangh Party Bahujan Samaj Party Bahujan Sangh Party Bharatiya Samaj Party Bharatiya Sangh Party Bahujan Samaj Party Bahujan Sangh Party Bharatiya Samaj Party ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics The civil affairs like marriage, divorce, inheritance etc. which has been authorised by the constitution to make legal laws? Centre and States, by the Concurrent List of the Constitution States, by the State List of the Constitution Centre, by the Union List of the Constitution Religious authorities which have relation to individual affairs Centre and States, by the Concurrent List of the Constitution States, by the State List of the Constitution Centre, by the Union List of the Constitution Religious authorities which have relation to individual affairs ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Which of the following state has 4 legislative council- Tamilnadu Kerala Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Tamilnadu Kerala Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics If the Speaker, of Lok Sabha wants to resign, whom does he resign- President of India Prime Minister Deputy Speaker Council of Ministers President of India Prime Minister Deputy Speaker Council of Ministers ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics The Indian constitution came into force on- 26 January, 1952 15 August, 1948 26 January, 1950 31 Novembar,1949 26 January, 1952 15 August, 1948 26 January, 1950 31 Novembar,1949 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Who is the former body builder, who became a film star and a Governor? Arnold Schwarzenegger Steve Austin Sylvester Stallone Dwayne Johnson Arnold Schwarzenegger Steve Austin Sylvester Stallone Dwayne Johnson ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP