Windows NT
What does the transport protocol do?

It defines how data should be presented to the next receiving layer, packages the data accordingly, and then passes the data to the application through the session layer interface.
None of these
It provides low-level access to the network adapters by providing data transmission support and some basic adapter management functions
It is responsible for establishing logical names on the network, establishing connections between two logical names on the network, and supporting reliable data transfer between computers that have es
It supports communications between applications on different computers by creating sessions, defining data-exchange formats, and providing application-support services


Windows NT
A one-way trust relationship has been established in which the RESEARCH domain trusts the TESTING domain. The Guest account is disabled in both domains. As a user belonging to a global group called Testers in the TESTING domain, you want to access a shared directory on a Windows NT Advanced Server in the RESEARCH domain. Which action would give you access?

None of these
No action is necessary, as access is already available
None of these
The Testers group must be assigned permissions to the shared directory on the Windows NT Advanced Server in the RESEARCH domain
The Testers group must be assigned permissions to the shared directory on the Windows NT Advanced Server in the RESEARCH domain, and the user must log on to the RESEARCH domain


Windows NT
Assume that you are a user of a Windows NT workstation in the SYCON domain, and the Windows NT workstation has local accounts. You wish to have administrative rights to all Windows NT Advanced Servers in the SYCON domain. How would you achieve this with a minimum amount of administration"?

Add your user account to the Domain Admins group on any Windows NT Advanced Server in the SYCON domain
Add your user account to the local Administrators group on each workstation in the SYCON domain
None of these
Add your user account to the Administrators group on each Windows NT Advanced Server in the SYCON domain
Run User Manager for Domains on any Windows NT Advanced Server in the SYCON domain. Open the Domain Admins group. In the List Names From box choose your workstation and add your workstation user accou


Windows NT
What is the purpose of the token in a network that employs a media access control method based on the IEEE 802.5 specification?

The station that hold the token has the highest priority on the network
None of these
The station that holds the token is allowed to transmit a message on the network
Token passing provides higher throughput than CSMA/CD when twisted-pair wiring is used
A token contains information that is used to route messages between rings


Windows NT
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [DHCP]

is the same as bootp
assigns IP addresses, which when allocated, cannot be reused
None of these
helps prevent conflicts between assigned IP addresses
uses static allocation of IP addresses