Linux What does OSS stand for? Original Source Software Open System Software Open Source Software Original System Server Original Source Software Open System Software Open Source Software Original System Server ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux How can you add Amit, a new user, to your system? All of these Using adduser None of these Using useradd Using linuxconf All of these Using adduser None of these Using useradd Using linuxconf ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order? st sort sort - r sh st sort sort - r sh ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to count just the number of characters in a file? wc - c wc - w wc - r wc - 1 wc - c wc - w wc - r wc - 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What layer protocol is responsible for user and the application programme support such as passwords, resource sharing, file transfer and network management? Layer 4 protocols Layer 5 protocols Layer 7 protocols Layer 6 protocols Layer 4 protocols Layer 5 protocols Layer 7 protocols Layer 6 protocols ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux In order to increase the amount of memory available for a system, what is the maximum size of a swap partition (with kernel version 2.2.x)? 2GB 32MB 64MB 128MB 2GB 32MB 64MB 128MB ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP