Linux What command is used to query for a specific package with RPM? rpm -q rpm -a rpm -d None of these rpm -1 rpm -q rpm -a rpm -d None of these rpm -1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Which of the following command lists the last 10 lines of a file? head grep cat tail head grep cat tail ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to assign only read permission to all three categories of the file'letter'? chmod ugo = r letter chmod go + r letter chmod u + r, g + r, o - x letter chmod a - rw letter chmod ugo = r letter chmod go + r letter chmod u + r, g + r, o - x letter chmod a - rw letter ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to copy directory structures in and out? None of these copy cp cpio cp - p None of these copy cp cpio cp - p ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Who has developed the Linux? Linus Torvalds Richard Stallman Bob Young Mark Eving Linus Torvalds Richard Stallman Bob Young Mark Eving ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What does GNU stand for? Greek Needed Unix General Noble Unix General Unix GNU's not Unix None of these Greek Needed Unix General Noble Unix General Unix GNU's not Unix None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP