Linux What command do you use to add routes to a Linux router? net route addroute netstat net route addroute netstat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux To build a modularized kernel, the kernel-headers and kernel-source packages must first be installed. Where will you find the kernel-headers and kernel-source? /usr/local /usr/bin /usr/src/linux None of the listed here /usr/local /usr/bin /usr/src/linux None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Which of the following subdirectory(ies) contains the device files? /bin /dev /etc None of the listed here /bin /dev /etc None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What types of installations require a special boot disk? All of these None of these PCMCIA FTP NFS All of these None of these PCMCIA FTP NFS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to display the top of the file? head grep cat more head grep cat more ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to assign only read permission to all three categories of the file'letter'? chmod u + r, g + r, o - x letter chmod go + r letter chmod ugo = r letter chmod a - rw letter chmod u + r, g + r, o - x letter chmod go + r letter chmod ugo = r letter chmod a - rw letter ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP