Fa-hein, the first Chinese Buddhist traveller and monk, came to India during the reign of Gupta emperor Chandragupta II and wrote the book “Si- Yu-Ki” that gives the detail account of the political and social condition of that time.
The last veda called the Atharva Veda is a collection of magic spells and charms to ward off the evil spirits and diseases. It is considered a non-Aryan work and is the latest addition to the Vedas in later Vedic age.
In the Battle of Vatapi, the Pallava ruler Narsimhavarman I defeated and killed Pulakesin II and captured the Chalukyan capital, Badami in 642 AD. Thus, he assumed the title of ‘Vatapikonda’ (Conqueror of Vatapi).
Earliest evidence of Banking in India is found from the period of Vedic Civilization. During those days, loan deeds called rnapatra (ऋणपत्र) or rnalekhya (ऋणलेख्य) were prevalent. Interest rates as well as usury (सूदखोरी) was prevalent in Vedic India. The Vedic word Kusidin refers to an usurer (सूदखोर).This term is also found in Manusmriti.
Bhaga, Bhoga, Kara and Hiranya refers to the different types of revenues which were collected by the rulers during the early medieval period. They were the chief sources of revenue to the donees.