Operating System (OS) To properly exit windows Clike the exit button on the desktop None of the listed here Click the stop button on the desktop Select shut down from Start menu Clike the exit button on the desktop None of the listed here Click the stop button on the desktop Select shut down from Start menu ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which of the following statements is not true about the FORTRAN language? FORTRAN is a high level language FORTRAN is extensively used to write programs for performing scientific computations None of these A FORTRAN program, written for the IBM-PC, is totally different from a FORTRAN program written for execution on the SUN machine All of these FORTRAN is a high level language FORTRAN is extensively used to write programs for performing scientific computations None of these A FORTRAN program, written for the IBM-PC, is totally different from a FORTRAN program written for execution on the SUN machine All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Bringing a page into memory only when it is needed, this mechanism is called Dormant Paging Demand Paging Page Fault Deadlock Dormant Paging Demand Paging Page Fault Deadlock ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which of the following addressing modes, facilitates access to an operand whose location is defined relative to the beginning of the data structure in which it appears? ascending None of these indirect index sorting ascending None of these indirect index sorting ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Virtual memory typically located on RAM Flash card CPU Hard drive RAM Flash card CPU Hard drive ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is called None of these first come first served shortest job first preemptive scheduling non preemptive scheduling None of these first come first served shortest job first preemptive scheduling non preemptive scheduling ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP